
3d and 4d ultrasound pictures
3d and 4d ultrasound pictures

3d and 4d ultrasound pictures

Will my doctor be notified about my 3D/4D ultrasound?

3d and 4d ultrasound pictures

The ultrasound transducer emits sound waves into the body, then listens for the return echo as it bounces back, to generate an image from the data. Ultrasounds are routine, normal procedures used in all pregnancies throughout the United States. Our 3D/4D ultrasounds are all performed by an ARDMS sonographer.

3d and 4d ultrasound pictures

3D ultrasound uses the same safe sound waves and intensity as the 2D ultrasound your doctor uses.

3d and 4d ultrasound pictures free#

If we are unable to obtain any acceptable pictures during your 3D ultrasound, we will invite you back for a one-time rescan, free of charge, within 1-2 weeks. Clarity depends upon the amount of amniotic fluid & how hydrated you are. If baby is sucking his thumb, or rubbing her eye, your pictures will reflect that. Some babies cuddle up close to the placenta and cover their face with hands or feet. We cannot guarantee specific images, nor can we guarantee that your baby will allow us to get a perfect “full front face” shot. Remember with ultrasound, you get to see your baby interacting with his/her natural environment. Sometimes, if baby is looking down towards your spine persistently, it will be difficult to see the face. However, we don’t want you to have unrealistic expectations for your 3D ultrasound. We always try our best to get you the best images possible, and we use the best & latest imaging technology available. Every baby scans differently depending on baby’s position, placental location, gestational age, mothers body type, amniotic fluid, etc. There are so many factors that can affect the results. Will I get beautiful, clear pictures of my baby’s face? At 14 weeks+, we can tell you the gender of your baby with a very high accuracy (over 99%), however, at no time during pregnancy can we ever guarantee the gender with 100% accuracy. However in the event that we cannot see the gender (usually due to the position of baby or cord), we will bring you back for a free rescan the following week, until we are able to determine the gender. Yes, at 14 weeks we can determine the gender with a very high accuracy. Will I be able to find out the gender of my baby? This is an elective, non-diagnostic ultrasound. Baby looks more like a newborn & the cheeks have filled in nicely with fat. Generally by this time baby is head down, which is ideal. If baby is awake, you’ll watch him/her kick, wave, grab feet, etc! However, baby will likely be breech which is not ideal for 3D/4D face pictures.Ģ7-33 Weeks: This is the best time to get the up close, detailed pictures of your baby’s face in 3D/4D/HD. Baby is very active & small enough to see most of their body at once. Many moms like to have more than one 3D ultrasound to see baby at different stages.ġ4-20 Weeks: Great time to find out the gender.Ģ0-26 Weeks: This is a fun time for 4D ultrasound video.

3d and 4d ultrasound pictures

This really depends on what you’d like to see. When is the best time to get a 3D ultrasound? Clarity depends upon the amount of amniotic fluid present & how hydrated you are. Remember with ultrasound, you get to see your baby interacting in his/her natural environment. We cannot guarantee specific images, nor can we guarantee that your baby will allow us to get a perfect “full face” picture. Some babies cuddle up close to the placenta and cover their face with hands or feet. Sometimes, if baby is looking face down persistently toward mom's spine, it will be difficult to see the face. We will always do our very best to get you the best images possible, and we use the best, most advanced ultrasound technology available. Every baby scans differently, depending on gestational age, position, placenta, mothers body type & amount of amniotic fluid.

3d and 4d ultrasound pictures